Welcome to our Monthly Newsletter!

Every month, we are delighted to offer you our complimentary astrological wall and cellpaper, designed to keep you aligned with the cosmic currents. Alongside this, you’ll receive astrology analyses, providing deeper perspectives on global events, as well as insights into key astrological turning points — helping you navigate critical periods with clarity and foresight.

The Month of March

March is an especially busy month astrologically, marked by significant celestial shifts. Two particularly intense eclipses occur at the same degrees where Venus and Mercury will station — retrograde and direct. This alignment suggests a period of heightened tension and almost certain reversals, making March a month of unpredictable turns and pivotal events.

Monthly Spread contained at the beginning of every Month in our Regulus 2025 Astrological Planner
Weekly Pages

The First Week of March

Venus turns retrograde on Sunday the 2nd of March while at 10º Aries. There is a change of gear in the realm of personal relationships. On the same day Mercury and Neptune arrive at a conjunction, and communication is vague and fuzzy.

There is potential here for misinterpretation and miscalculation. Mercury combining with Neptune can also indicate abstract ideas, poetry, and information or texts about spiritual realities.

On Monday the 3rd of March Mercury enters Aries and brings a surge of new information into the public sphere. Then Mercury forms a sextile to Pluto on the 5th of March and there’s deep analysis and research. Penetrating and insightful discussions can occur. The Sun is trine Mars on Sturday the 8th of March. This energy is vigorous, corageous, assertive and enthusiastic.

The Second Week of March

On Tuesday the 11th of March Mercury and Venus form a conjunction at 8º of Aries and so there will be sweet talk and love letters. Relationship dynamics are analysed and discussed.

On Thursday there’s a Lunar Eclipse with the Moon at 23º Virgo. Saturn is very close to the Sun and opposite the Moon at this time, making this a serious and somber eclipse.

This opposition also engages with Uranus, which implies that there is enthusiasm for new, novel and creative ideas. At best, all of this could describe the implementation of new systems and methods that yield concrete, practical results, improving on approaches and methods of the past.

Lunar Eclipse on the 14th of March, 2025

Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday the 15th of March and remains retrograde until the 7th of April. During this period keep reviewing ongoing plans and dedicate your attention to unfinished business. Expect delays.

The Third Week of March

Sun Aries Ingress 2025
Sun Aries Ingress 2025

Congratulations Arians!

The Sun arrives at a conjunction with Neptune on the 19th of March, just prior to the Spring Equinox on the 20th of March. There’s a yearning for spiritual or mystical experiences. Some may try to achieve this through getting intoxicated or engaging in some kind of escapist behaviour. The proximity of Neptune to the Sun at the day of equinox may in fact indicate that the world is in for a year of fantasies and dreams. There’s a lack of focus and clear purpose.

Venus forms a sextile to Pluto on the 21st of March making social and romantic interactions deep and intense, and perhaps prone to expressions of jealousy. The Third Quarter Sun-Moon square at 2º Capricorn also highlights Venus which is backing to a conjunction with the Sun. The Venus-Sun conjunction becomes exact on Sunday the 23rd. Friendship and romance gains greater priority, new relationships are formed and existing relationships are energised.

The Fourth Week of March

On Monday the 24th of March retrograde Mercury will be conjunct the Sun, lending a formal and official tone to news, messages and communications. Add to this the fact that Mercury is forming a sextile to Pluto on the 25th and we get a narrative of deep analysis and research. Penetrating and insightful discussions can occur. On Thursday the 27th of March retrograde Venus backs into Pisces and makes a conjunction to Neptune. Love and beauty is intoxicating but it can also be beguiling and confusing.

On Saturday the 29th of March there’s a Partial Solar Eclipse at 8º Aries.
This Sun-Moon conjunction forms a semi-square aspect to Uranus. This is live-wire energy. Events occur suddenly, abruptly and surprisingly. There’s a love of the new and the novel and there may be expressions of self-will and defiance.

Mercury is retrograde from March 15th (Merc. Rx 9º35’Aries) through April 7th (Merc.Dx 26º50’Pisces).

Solar Eclipse 29th of March 2025
Solar Eclipse 29th of March 2025

Beyond our monthly updates, we will also be sharing exclusive content, including announcements of new book releases from leading astrologers, updates on advanced courses from renowned professionals, and a wealth of additional resources. Expect exclusive videos, expert insights, and carefully curated free materials to support your astrological journey. Stay connected and let the stars guide you!

Complimentary Monthly Wall and Cellpaper with Key Astrological Aspects

Stay attuned to the most significant planetary alignments of the month with our exclusive monthly astrological wall and cellpaper, for both desktop and mobile.

Designed to provide a clear visual reference for key transit-to-transit aspects, these wallpapers are a convenient way to remain aligned with the unfolding cosmic patterns.

Regulus Wallpaper

Download Now!

• Key astrological configurations at a glance

• Updated monthly for continuous insight

• Effortless overview via your desktop or mobile screen

The artistic desktop wallpaper shows the main astrological alignments of the month, for easy access and viewing.

March 2025 wallpaper

Download your March 2025 Wallpaper here:

Download your desktop wallpaper free from Regulus Publishing HERE:

Download your March 2025 Cellpaper here:

Download your cell phone wallpaper free from Regulus Publishing HERE:

When you are viewing the art, right-click on your mouse and select “Set as Desktop Background” from the menu. Another alternative is to download it, save it to your hard drive and then save it as your wallpaper.

In any case, you will find pleasure and usefulness in this beautiful picture that shows the main planetary alignments of the month!

Order your physical copy of the 2025 Astrological Planner HERE!

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