Bob Mulligan’s long awaited book on Spiritual Astrology has arrived!
Bob Mulligan’s The Heart of Astrology: on the Spiritual Path — a masterpiece 20 years in the making — has finally arrived! This long-awaited book delves deep into the heart of astrology, revealing its spiritual dimensions and higher purpose. With wisdom refined over decades of study and practice, Mulligan guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. Whether you’re an experienced astrologer or a spiritual seeker, this book is an essential addition to your library.
Your birth chart presents options to transform an ordinary life into something magnificent. Past life gifts, revealed through the chart, show your unique spiritual journey. For each of us, our karma creates an exciting adventure, a path to enlightenment. This book stands on sacred ground as guidance for life’s most important adventure, the journey to become your Real Self, the only treasure of lasting value. Within these pages are invaluable insights, distilled from many decades of astrological and spiritual practice. May these insights illuminate your path.

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“This book is not a book for beginners; it is for those deeply immersed and aware of planetary energies. It then weaves those energies into various spiritual constructs making some enlightening connections for the reader. I love this book” – Georgia Stathis
“Beginning with your Preface, I was deeply engaged. Your work is obviously heart centered. The book is much more than an astrology book that might sit on a shelf and be used as a reference. It is an invitation to access a deeper level of existence.” – Hope Pantazis

Bob has been a full time professional astrologer since 1974. Bob uses astrology for the spiritual development of his clients and students. He writes a free monthly astrological newsletter. His book “Between Astrologers and Clients”, and his astrological chart interpretation program “Indra”, have helped many. His “The Mastery of Astrology”™ correspondence school reaches people globally. Bob is a lifetime member of NCGR, ISAR, AFAN and OPA, and speaks at conferences in the USA, India, and Europe. He wrote the entire first edition of “How to Start, Maintain, and Expand an Astrological Practice”. Following Avatar Meher Baba since 1970, he travels to India frequently. Bob‘s new book “The Heart of Astrology” concludes 20 years of work to communicate how astrology raises consciousness.
For more information on Bob, please visit:
Table of Contents
Introduction to Spiritual Astrology
Part I – Spiritual Foundations
1 – The Five Gifts of Astrology
2 – Unlocking your Spiritual Potential
3 – Tuning into the Cosmos
3A – The Moon in Transformation
4 – The Importance of our Physical Body
Part II – Confering with the Planets
5 – Venus, Astrology, and the Path
6 – Mars in the Life of the Spirit
7 – Saturn as our Friend
8 – Mercury and the Finite Ego-Mind
9 – Jupiter and our Higher Mind
Part III – How Karma Works
10 – Astrology, Karma and Reincarnation
11 – The Hierarchy of Planets
12 – Your Birth Chart as a Spiritual Roadmap
Astrology, Yoga and Service
Glossary of Special Terms
Selected Bibliography

This long-awaited book delves deep into the heart of astrology, revealing its spiritual dimensions and higher purpose.